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Abstract #3258

3D-FSE-Cube of the Foot at 3TMRI: Comparison with 2D-FSE Images.

Mai Hanamiya1, Takatoshi Aoki1, Yoshiko Yamashita1, Yoshiko Hayashida1, Toru Sato2, Shigeru Hibino3, Atsushi Nozaki3, Yukunori Korogi1

1Radiology, University of Occupational and Environmental Health School of Medicine, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan; 2Clinical Radiology Service, University of Occupational and Environmental Health Hospital; 3GE Healthcare Japan

Our purpose is to compare 3D-FSE-Cube with 2D-FSE sequence for MR imaging of the ankle at 3.0T MR system. Eight healthy volunteers were examined with 3D-FSE Cube (6 minutes 50 seconds) and 2D-FSE (axial, sagittal and coronal planes, total imaging time; 11minutes 24 seconds), and 3D-FSE-Cube images were reformatted into images of same planes as 2D-FSE. Bone, cartilage, fluid, and tendon SNRs and bone-tendon CNR were significantly higher with the 3D-FSE-Cube. The 3D-FSE-Cube sequence with parallel imaging at 3.0T MR enables to reduce examination time preserving image quality and evaluate complex anatomy of the ankle on multiple arbitrary planes.
