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Abstract #3293

Muscle Group Specific Quantification of Unsaturated Fatty Acids by Localized DEPT-Enhanced 13C MRS and ERETIC

Xing Chen1, Anke Henning1, Susanne Heinzer-Schweizer1, Matteo Pavan1, Peter Bsiger1

1Institute for Biomedical Engineering, University and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

The quantification of metabolite concentrations of spatially specific 13C NMR spectra is questionable due to the low sensitivity. We propose a combined SNR enhancement by proton decoupling and ISIS-localized DEPT, aiming at muscle-group specific detection of unsaturated fatty acid in the calf muscle. Comparative measurements of four localized SNR enhancement sequences were performed with a 13C/1H dual-tune volume calf coil equipped with ERETIC. ERETIC signal intensity with and without proton decoupling as determined with TDFDfit was identical. This ISIS-localized DEPT combined with proton decoupling and the ERETIC reference standard technique can be easily extended to other muscle metabolites of interest.
