Siyuan Liu1,2, Sameer J. Shah2,
Lisa J. Wilmes1, Vikram D. Kodibagkar3, Michael F.
Wendland1, Christian C. Apfel2, Nola M. Hylton1,
Harriet W. Hopf4, Ralph P. Mason3, Mark D. Rollins2
1Radiology, University of California,
San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States; 2Anesthesia,
University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States; 3Radiology,
University of Texas at Southwestern, Dallas, TX, United States; 4Anesthesiology,
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States
based oxygen carriers (HBOCs) are being developed to reduce blood
transfusion, yet HBOCs efficacy on organ oxygenation remain unknown. We used
19F MRI to quantify tissue oxygen (ptO2) changes during
isovolemic anemic hemodilution using high and low affinity HBOCs or colloid
control at 30% and 100% inspired oxygen in a rat model. Although ptO2
significantly increased with 100% vs 30% oxygen under all conditions,
differences in ptO2 between HBOCs or colloid were insignificant.
Our results highlight the impact of supplemental oxygen, emphasize need for
further HBOC research, and demonstrate the value of 19F MRI in
quantifying resuscitation interventions.