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Abstract #3421

Simultaneous BOLD and ASL for Characterizing Cerebrovascular Responses to Hyperoxia in Normal Brain and in Glioblastoma

Heisoog Kim1,2, Ciprian Catana1, Grace Kim1, Ovidiu C. Andronesi1, Dominique L. Jennings1, Divya S. Bolar1,3, Elizabeth R. Gerstner4, Tracy T. Batchelor4, Rakesh K. Jain5, A Gregory Sorensen1

1A.A.Martinos center, Massachusetts General Hospotal, Charlestown, MA, United States; 2NSE/HST, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States; 3EECS/HST, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States; 4Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospotal, Boston, MA, United States; 5Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospotal, Boston, MA, United States

In this study, simultaneous BOLD-ASL method was used to assess quantitatively the characteristic cerebral responses to 100% oxygen exposure in normal brain and in glioblastoma (GB). BOLD and Flow effects in normal brain were detected primarily in the cortex (increased BOLD and decreased CBF responses), which agreed with previously published data. Heterogeneous BOLD signal was observed in GB. The enhancing tumor showed a larger increase in BOLD and a smaller decrease responses in CBF than contralateral normal tissue did, which implies the characteristic properties of the tumor vasculature (i.e. tortuous, large vessels, inefficient blood circulation).
