Raz1, Mara Cercignani2, Emilia Sbardella1,
Porzia Totaro1, Carlo Pozzilli1, Marco Bozzali2,
Patrizia Pantano1
1Department of Neurological Sciences,
Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy; 2Neuroimaging
Laboratory, Santa Lucia Foundation, Rome, Italy
patients with multiple sclerosis, the relationship between white matter and
gray matter damage evolution is not fully understood; we aimed at
longitudinally (one-year interval) evaluating the white matter and gray
matter damage in the same coohort of clinically isolated syndrome patients
recruited at onset. While white matter damage is detectable early and widely
involves most tracts, no white matter changes over one year follow-up period
are noted; conversely, a significant decrease in cortical and deep gray
matter volume is observed at 1 year follow-up evaluation.