Yi-Ching Lynn Ho1,2, Amandine Cheze2,
Esben Thade Petersen2,3, Albert Gjedde1,4, Kong-Yong
Goh5, Yih-Yian Sitoh2, Xavier Golay2,6
1CFIN, University of Aarhus, Aarhus,
Denmark; 2Neuroradiology, National Neuroscience Institute,
Singapore, Singapore; 3Clinical Imaging Research Centre, NUS,
Singapore; 4University of Copenhagen, Denmark; 5Eye
Institute, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore; 6Institute of
Neurology, UCL, London, United Kingdom
far, no clear physiological correlates have been given for the apparent
visual field improvements of patients with post-chiasmal lesions after
treatment, such as Visual Restoration Therapy (VRT). Using fMRI retinotopic
mapping, we assessed a patient with complete homonymous hemianopia before and
after VRT. The patient demonstrated residual neurovascular function and
limited retinotopic organization around the lesion before therapy. Post
therapy, the retinotopic representation around the lesion was modestly
extended along with perimetry improvements, which may, to our knowledge, be
the first report on primary visual cortex retinotopy recovery via ad hoc
treatment of a patient with visual field loss.