Geon-Ho Jahng1, Songfan Xu2,
Chang-Woo Ryu1, Dal-Mo Yang1, Dong-Wook Sung3,
Dong Ho Lee3, Seungjoon Park4
1Radiology, East West Neo Medical
Center, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; 2Biomedical
Science, Graduate School of Medicine,
Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; 3Radiology,
KHU Hospital, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; 4Pharmacology
and and Biomedical Science, School of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul,
Korea, Republic of
map the strength of a local cross-term gradient among diffusion, imaging, and
background gradients in groups of AD,
MCI, and cognitive normal (CN), two DT-MRI sets with positive and
negative polarities of diffusion-sensitizing gradients were obtained in 15 AD
and18 MCI patients and 16 CN controls with four b-values. The cross-term
b-value (bc) maps for each subject group were calculated. The bc differs
locally between AD patient and MCI or CN subjects, but not between MCI and
controls and we may obtain the strength of a local background gradient using
DTI data.