Denis Rommel1, Frank Peeters2,
Jorge Abarca-Quinones2, Christine De Saeger3, Isabelle
Leclercq3, Thierry Duprez1
1Radiology, Universit Catholique de
Louvain, Brussels, Belgium; 2Radiology, Universit Catholique de
Louvain, Belgium; 3Gastro-enterology, Universit Catholique de
Louvain, Brussels, Belgium
investigated which from transmembrane choline transporters and choline
kinases had the most prominent role in the elevation of the tCho peak at
H-MRS using a rodent rabdomyosarcoma model. tCho peak was quantified as the
area under the curve at 3.2 ppm obtained on a 3T clinical system, and gene
expression was quantified by PCR after reverse transcription into cDNA using
standard ΔCt calculations with reference to RPL19 gene expression. The prominence of the choline kinase α
expression versus that of the transmembrane choline transporters was strongly
suggested by the statistical analysis.