Ludovic de
Rochefort1, Aurlie Delzor1, Martine Guillermier1,
Diane Houitte1, Marion Chaigneau1, Nicole Dglon1,
Philippe Hantraye1, Vincent Lebon1
Fontenay-aux-Roses, France
and cellular imaging is seeing a growing interest, but applicability to MRI
relies on the ability to be specific, sensitive and quantifiable.
Superparamagnetic iron oxides are good candidates as they produce a strong
magnetic field creating signal voids in gradient echo images. Quantitative
susceptibility mapping (QSM) additively uses the magnetic field to quantify
the magnetic sources. In this study we apply QSM in the preclinical context
of the rat brain using a reconstruction algorithm that includes unwrapping,
removing background effects and inverting the field map. The technique
demonstrates its ability to quantify SPIO amounts injected in the brain.