David Z. Balla1,
Sven Gottschalk1, G Shajan1, Sandra Ueberberg2,
Stephan Schneider2, Rolf Pohmann1, Jrn Engelmann1
1High-Field MR
Center, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics,
Detection of single pancreatic islets has many applications in diabetes research, but can be achieved in vivo with proton MRI only after transplantation of ex vivo labeled islets. Recently, successful visualization of islets in the excised mouse pancreas at 16.4T following i.v. injection of a novel beta-cell specific paramagnetic contrast agent was reported. Here we present the methodical optimization for in vivo experiments. Signal efficient 2D acquisition methods were considered. Best results were obtained with a two slice navigator based sequence. Single islets are visualized for the first time in vivo in mice after i.v. administration of a labeling agent.