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Abstract #0973

DCE-MRI of Genetic Mouse Model of Lung Cancer

Kai Henrik Barck1, Anthony Lima2, Tim Cao1, Rafael Molina2, William F. Forrest3, Weilan Ye4, Leisa Johnson2, Richard A. D. Carano1

1Biomedical Imaging, Genentech, South San Francisco, CA, United States; 2Molecular Biology, Genentech, South San Francisco, CA, United States; 3Biostatistics, Genentech, South San Francisco, CA, United States; 4Tumor Biology & Angiogenesis, Genentech, South San Francisco, CA, United States

Our goal was to evaluate the vascular effects of anti-VEGF-A treatment in a Genetically Engineered Mouse Model of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer with respiratory-gated DCE-MRI. Small (Gd-DTPA) and intermediate (Gadomer 17) molecular weight contrast agents were compared. With Gadomer 17, both Ktrans (meanSEM: -458% vs. 79%, p<0.001) and IAUC180 (-295% vs. 46%, p<0.001) decreased significantly in mice treated with anti-VEGF compared to control, but not with Gd-DTPA. This strong anti-VEGF response is consistent with drug efficacy in this model. Gadomer 17 was found to be more suitable for DCE-MRI in this model, likely due to its slower extravasation.
