Reggie Taylor1,2, Peter Williamson1,3,
Jean Thberge1,2
1Medical Biophysics,
University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada; 2Lawson Health
Research Institute, London, ON, Canada; 3Psychiatry, University of
Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada
Increasing the external magnetic field strength (B0) increases the SNR and spectral dispersion in a linear manner. Simulations were created to represent 4 B0 at 64 and 256 averages to examine how independent quantification of metabolites improves with B0. 200 noisy realizations were produced for each template and correlations between metabolites were extracted. Increasing B0 reduced the number of significantly correlated metabolites and in most cases reduced the magnitude of correlations. However, not all of the magnitudes of significantly correlated metabolites decreased as B0 increased. At equal SNR, precision increased by an average factor of 1.76 from 1.5T to 3T.