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Abstract #1491

Chemical Shift Sodium Imaging of the Rat Brain During TmDOTP5- Infusion

Patrick Michael Heiler1, Saema Ansar2, Saskia Grudzenski2, Friedrich Wetterling1, Simon Konstandin1, Stephen Meairs2, Marc Fatar2, Lothar Rudi Schad1

1Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine, Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany; 2Experimental Neurology, Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany

The paramagnetic lanthanide chemical shift agent TmDOTP5- is used in chemical shift imaging experiments and the technique is applied to an animal model of stroke model. It could be shown that TmDOTP5- induces a large hyperfine shift crossing neither the cell membrane nor the blood brain barrier. In ischemia, induced by occlusion of the MCA, TmDOTP5- shifts parts of the total sodium signal which indicates a disruption of the blood brain barrier.
