Hajime Tamura1, Tatsuo Nagasaka2,
Kazuki Shimada2, Junki Nishikata1, Miho Shidahara1,
Shunji Mugikura3, Yoshio Machida4
1Department of Medical
Physics, Tohoku University, Graduate School of Medicine, Sendai, Miyagi,
Japan; 2Department of Radiology, Tohoku University Hospital,
Sendai, Miyagi, Japan; 3Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Tohoku
University Hospital, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan; 4Department of Medical
Imaging & Applied Radiology, Tohoku University, Graduate School of
Medicine, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan
Decreases in blood flow (CBF) and T1 during hyperoxia are affected by arterial pressure of carbon dioxide as well as that of oxygen (PaO2). To extract those effects of PaO2 and to examine if the changes in R1 relate to the changes in CBF, serial R1 and CBF maps were obtained during normoxia-hyperoxia epochs and analyzed with a linear model. Thus the effects of PaO2 on R1 and CBF were obtained. However, no significant correlation was observed between them (P = 0.18), which might imply that the ratio of CBF to metabolic rate of oxygen does not change during hyperoxia.