Hsiao-Ying Wey1,2, Kihak Lee1,
Peter T. Fox1,2, Timothy Q. Duong1,2
1Research Imaging
Institute, University of
We cross validated quantitative (1) CBF at rest and during global and regional activations using pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling MRI and 1H215O-PET, and (2) stimulus-evoked CMRO2 using calibrated fMRI and 15O2-PET on large nonhuman primates (baboons) when experimental differences were minimized in this study. Baseline CBF was higher as measured with MRI than PET, but comparable stimuli-evoked CBF and CMRO2 were found. Future studies will investigate CBF and CMRO2 measurements in stroke where CBF is compromised and to develop models to better determine CBF and CMRO2 under perturbed conditions.