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Abstract #2720

Variable Flip Angle Single-Slab 3D GRASE with Phase-Independent Image Reconstruction

Hahnsung Kim1, Suhyung Park2, Dong-Hyun Kim1, Jaeseok Park3

1Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University, Shinchon-Dong, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; 2Medical Science, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of; 3Radiology, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of

We develop flip-angle single-slab 3D GRASE imaging, incorporating multiple echo planar imaging (EPI) readouts into a framework of turbo/fast SE imaging, to enhance the imaging efficiency without the direct trade off with SNR. To avoid the phase discontinuity induced problems, phase-independent image reconstruction is performed, in which each echo k-space is regenerated by GRAPPA-like parallel imaging technique employing within-and between- group k-space correlations and then averaged to retain SNR efficiency.
