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Abstract #2856

Accelerated Metabolic Imaging: Application of L1-SPIRiT to Hyperpolarized 13C Parallel Imaging & Compressed Sensing MRSI

Peter J. Shin1, Michael A. Ohliger2, Simon Hu2, Peder E. Z. Larson2, Cornelius Von Morze2, Michael Lustig3, Daniel B. Vigneron2

1Joint Graduate Group in Bioengineering, University of California at San Francisco & Berkeley, San Francisco, CA, United States; 2Department of Radiology & Biomedical Imaging, University of California at San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States; 3Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States

Hyperpolarized 13C MRSI is a powerful tool for studying metabolic processes in vivo, enabling monitoring of 13C substrates and downstream metabolic products. However, spatial coverage and resolution of such metabolic images are fundamentally limited by the rapid metabolism and T1 relaxation, necessitating the development of fast data acquisition schemes. In this work, we investigated accelerating hyperpolarized 13C spectroscopic imaging with L1-SPIRiT compressed sensing autocalibration parallel imaging and showed that application of SPIRiT on simulated hyperpolarized 13C parallel imaging provided excellent noise performance and reduced artifacts in highly accelerated imaging schemes.

