Conny Frauke Waschkies1,2, Basil Knnecke1,
Aline Seuwen2, Markus von Kienlin1, Markus Rudin2
1Magnetic Resonance Imaging
& Spectroscopy, F. Hoffmann-La Roche, Basel, Switzerland; 2Animal
Imaging Centre, Institute for Biomedical Engineering, ETH & University of
Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Recently, an MRS signal at 1.28 ppm has been proposed as a biomarker for neuronal progenitor cells (Manganas et al., Science 2007). In two animal models with high neurogenesis, namely exercise in the running wheel and early postnatal brain development, we have not been able to reliably detect this 1.28ppm signal using LCmodel analysis for quantification.