Alex Foerster1, Martin Griebe1,
Christina Rossmanith1, Achim Gass1, Rolf Kern1,
Michael G. Hennerici1, Kristina Szabo1
1Department of Neurology,
UniversitaetsMedizin Mannheim,
In a prospective explorative approach using DTI and tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS) we sought to elucidate a possible underlying more extensive disturbance of the hippocampal network in transient global amnesia (TGA). We performed voxelwise statistics comparing TGA patients with healthy controls matched for age, sex and extent of chronic white matter lesions. TBSS revealed no significant differences in FA and MD values despite persisting mild cognitive deficits in the subacute phase after the end of the episode in all patients. This finding suggests a transient functional perturbation than an impaired structural integrity of hippocampal and/or mesiotemporal memory circuits in TGA.