Nobuyuki Mori1, Yukio Miki2,
Nobuhiro Mikuni3, Riki Matsumoto4, Seiko Kasahara5,
Emiko Morimoto5, Mitsunori Kanagaki5, Akira Yamamoto5,
Tomohisa Okada5, Satoshi Noma1, Kaori Togashi5
1Radiology, Tenri Hospital,
Tenri, Nara, Japan; 2Radiology, Osaka City University Graduate
School of Medicine; 3Neurosurgery, Kyoto University Graduate
School of Medicine; 4Neurology, Kyoto University Graduate School
of Medicine; 5Diagnostic Imaging & Nuclear Medicine, Kyoto
University Graduate School of Medicine
It has been reported that magnitude image of susceptibility-weighted imaging (mSWI) can delineate the entire length of the optic radiation, including its anterior part, Meyerfs loop (ML), as a low signal intensity bundle (LSB) in healthy volunteers. In this study, we retrospectively evaluated the appearances of the anterior part of LSB on pre- and postoperative mSWI in patients with refractory temporal lobe epilepsy and compared them with the findings on post- and/or preoperative perimetry, proving the validity of preoperative assessment of ML on mSWI for preventing the unpredictable postoperative visual field defect due to damage to this fiber bundle.