Andrew L. Janke1, Jeremy F P Ullmann2, Nyoman D. Kurniawan2, George Paxinos3, Marianne D. Keller2, Zhengyi Yang2, Kay Richards4, Gary F. Egan5, Steve Petrou4, Graham J. Galloway2, David C. Reutens2
1Center for Advanced Imaging, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld, Australia; 2Centre for Advanced Imaging, University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia; 3Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute, Sydney, NSW, Australia; 4Florey Neuroscience Institute, Parkville, VIC, Australia; 5Monash University, Clayton, VIC, Australia
Super-resolution modelling techniques allow us to build 15um nonlinear average models from 30um 16.4T MRI data. We present 15um models from c57bl and R43Q epilepsy mice