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Abstract #1721

RF Coil Selective Adiabatic Excitation in SLASER Sequence for 7T Prostate MRSI at Short TE

Catalina S. Arteaga de Castro1, Mariska P. Luttje1, Marco van Vulpen1, Uulke A. van der Heide2, Peter R. Luijten1, Dennis W.J. Klomp1

1University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands; 2Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands

A non-selective excitation semi-LASER sequence (nsLASER) is presented to use in combination with an endorectal coil (ERC) for prostate MRSI at 7 Tesla. The limited coverage of the ERC makes it possible to use non-localized RF pulses without having spurious artifacts and signals coming from the surrounding structures of the prostate at the cost of a slightly longer acquisition time due to the large FOV needed. Excellent in-vivo MRSI of the prostate is obtained. Even in the presence of water and lipid remaining signals no baseline corruption or artifacts appear. The nsLASER sequence is recommended for prostate MRSI when combined with the use of an ERC at high fields.