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Abstract #2007

Dynamic Subtraction VASO with Second Image Acquisition Allows for Combined CBV and CBF Estimation In-Vivo

Alexander Graeme Gardener1, Peter Jezzard1

1FMRIB Centre, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom

Dynamic Subtraction VASO has been proposed as a method of measuring cerebral blood volume. Paired images are acquired - in the first global inversion then slice-selective inversion are applied; the second employs two slice-selective inversions back-to-back. Images are acquired at blood null time (TI1). Subtracting the first set from second allows for quantification of CBV. This study extends this to acquire additional images at longer delay (TI2) with CBF weighting, improving time efficiency of the sequence and allowing for simultaneous CBV/CBF estimation, to give additional concurrent insight into cerebral haemodynamics. Values found are comparable to existing separate measurement methods.
