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Abstract #2572

Quantitative Comparison of the Informational Content of T2*-Weighted Magnitude, Phase and SWI 7T MR Data by Means of Texture Analysis of the Cortical Ribbon in Elderly Subjects

N. T. Doan1, S. van Rooden2, M. J. Versluis2, A. G. Webb2, J. van der Grond, M. A. van Buchem, J. H. C. Reiber1, J. Milles1

1LKEB - Department of Radiology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Zuid Holland, Netherlands; 2CJ Gorter Center - Department of Radiology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Zuid Holland, Netherlands

The aim of this work is to investigate and compare the information content of T2*-weighted magnitude, phase and SWI data by means of texture analysis. Textural features of the cerebral cortex on magnitude, phase or SWI images were derived based on Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix. Subsequently, classification using respectively magnitude-based, phase-based and SWI-based features was carried out with a Fisher linear discriminant classifier and a leave-one-out cross-validation approach. The results suggest that, from a texture information perspective, phase images have higher information content than either magnitude or SWI images.
