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Abstract #2967

Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI to Monitor Response to CyberKnife SBRT

Russell N. Low1, 2, Donald B. Fuller3, Naira Muradyan4

1Sharp and Children's MRI Center, San Diego, CA, United States; 2San Diego Imaging, San Diego, CA, United States; 3CyberKnife Centers of San Diego; 4iCAD, Inc

Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE) is used to quantitatively assess prostate cancer before and after CyberKnife radiation therapy. The MRI driven parametric values Ktrans, Kep, EFV, and iAUGC can be followed to assess changes in tumor permeability occurring on a cellular level after CyberKnife SBRT. Both quantitative and qualitative display of these parametric values can be used to monitor tumor response to treatment.
