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Abstract #3117

Comparison of MS Lesions Seen with 7T Iron Sensitive Phase and 3T Post Gadolinium T1 Imaging

Petra Schmalbrock1, David Pitt2, Katharine Teal Bluestein1, Eashwar Swamy2, Grant Yang1, Michael Knopp1

1Radiology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, United States; 2Neurology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, United States

Currently, gadolinium (Gd) enhanced T1-weighted imaging is used to asses inflammation and lesion activity. Gd-enhanced imaging is, however, dependent on the integrity of the local blood-brain barrier and could potentially miss some inflammatory activity in Multiple Sclerosis patients. In this study, 7T phase images are calculated from iron-sensitive susceptibility weighted images and compared to standard clinical 3T FLAIR and Gd-enhanced T1w-SE. Gd-enhancing lesions were only seen in relapsing-remitting patients and none of them were visible on the phase images. Iron-sensitive imaging provides complimentary information to Gd-enhancement and suggests different mechanisms of lesion formation.