Petra Schmalbrock1, David Pitt2, Katharine Teal Bluestein1, Eashwar Swamy2, Grant Yang1, Michael Knopp1
1Radiology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, United States; 2Neurology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, United States
Currently, gadolinium (Gd) enhanced T1-weighted imaging is used to asses inflammation and lesion activity. Gd-enhanced imaging is, however, dependent on the integrity of the local blood-brain barrier and could potentially miss some inflammatory activity in Multiple Sclerosis patients. In this study, 7T phase images are calculated from iron-sensitive susceptibility weighted images and compared to standard clinical 3T FLAIR and Gd-enhanced T1w-SE. Gd-enhancing lesions were only seen in relapsing-remitting patients and none of them were visible on the phase images. Iron-sensitive imaging provides complimentary information to Gd-enhancement and suggests different mechanisms of lesion formation.