Marco Palombo1, 2, Cesare Cametti1, Mariella Dentini3, Silvia Capuani1, 2
1 Sapienza University of Rome, Physics Department, Rome, Italy; 2CNR IPCF UOS Roma, Physics Department Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy; 3 Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Chemistry, Rome, Italy
We introduce a novel imaging method to characterize and to map anomalous diffusion processes of water in heterogeneous systems by means of diffusion weighted NMR techniques at varying of the diffusion time. The approach is based on the theory of the Continuous-Time-Random-Walk and introduces the index, which quantify sub-diffusion processes. We present the first -map obtained in two controlled porous phantoms characterized by the same void and interconnect size distribution but by different type of porous matrix walls (smooth or rough). Our results show that -maps, unlike the conventional MD-maps, are able to discriminate between these two samples.