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Abstract #3652

Evidence for Typical and Atypical Gray and White Matter Pathology in Frontal Lobe Epilepsy and Different Types of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

Susanne G. Mueller1, Karl Young, Michael M. Weiner, Kenneth D. Laxer2

1Center for Imaging of Neurodegenerative Diseases, San Francisco , CA, United States; 2Pacific Epilepsy Program, California Pacifc Medical Center

Synopsis: Voxel-based image analysis approaches, demonstrated different, characteristic abnormality patterns different types of non-lesional partial epilepsy. It is unknown to what degree these patterns exist in individual patients. A two-level multi-modality imaging Bayesian network approach is used with the following aims: 1. to characterize the subtype specific structural abnormalities in non-lesional TLE-MTS, TLE-no and FLE using GAMMA. 2. to the second-level Bayesian network which allows for a robust imaging based subtype classification of single subjects by combining the information obtained at the first level. 3. to identify typical, e.g. FLE gray, and atypical patterns in TLE-MTS, TLE-no and FLE.
