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Abstract #3794

Measuring the Radial Component of Left Ventricular Strain with Circular Tagging: Feasibility and Initial Results.

Maryam Haftekhanaki1, Abbas N. Moghaddam1, 2, Khaled Abd-Elmoniem3, J. Paul Finn2

1Biomedical Engineering, Tehran Polytechnic, Tehran, Iran; 2Radiology, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United States; 3Biomedical and Metabolic Imaging Branch, NIDDK, NIH

LV wall thickening, the main factor of systolic ejection, is reflected in radial strain. This strain was locally measured in this study, from the circularly tagged images, through a K-space based compression encoding method. The results were compared to the strain measurement from HARP and general agreement was confirmed. The proposed method does not need to any tracking or differentiation for strain measurement and therefoere, it has potential advantages over other methods in practicality, computational cost and accuracy.
