Britta Butzbach1,
Andrea Protti2, Xuebin Dong2, Frank Tacke3,
Matthias Bartneck3, David Onthank4, Eike Nagel1,
Ajay Shah5, Rene M. Botnar1
Sciences, Rayne's Institute, London, Middlesex, United Kingdom; 2Cardiovascular
division, Cardiology, London, Middlesex, United Kingdom; 3Medical
clinic III, Gastroenterology, Aachen, Nordrhein Westfalen, Germany; 4Discovery
Biology and Veterinary Sciences at Lantheus Medical Imaging, Boston, North
Billerica, United States; 5Cardiovascular Division, Cardiology,
London, Middlesex, United Kingdom
Assessment of post infarct remodelling in CCR2 and wild type mice was conducted with an elastin-binding contrast agent. MRI was compared with histology and shows that imaging of post infarct remodelling is feasible with an elastin-binding contrast agent. 7 days after permanent ligation there was less elastin amount in CCR2-knockout mice with increased infarct size and the ejection fraction was lower compared to wild type mice. After 1 month the ejection fraction in CCR2-knockout mice was lower compared to wild type mice and the infarct size was increased.