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Abstract #1819

Impact of 3D Temperature Probe Localization Variability on MR Thermometry Validation for RF Hyperthermia

Matthew Tarasek1, Lorne Hofstetter1, Ruben Pellicer2, Jurriaan Bakker2, Wouter Numan2, Gyula Kotek2, Eric Fiveland3, Gavin Houston4, Gerard van Rhoon2, Maarten Paulides2, Desmond Yeo1

1MRI, GE Global Research, Niskayuna, NY, United States; 2Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands; 3MRI, GE Global Research Center, Niskayuna, NY, United States; 4GE Healthcare, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Validation of MR thermometry (MRT) for RF hyperthermia in a head and neck clinical setup requires accurate co-registration of the inserted temperature probes to MRT data. Here, we explore the use of MR imaging techniques and 3D spline fitting for probe localization. In addition, we investigate how uncertainty in the localization affects the registration of probe and MRT readings. Findings show that a maximum operator-dependent temperature probe placement variability of 2mm along the catheter length accounts for at most a 0.5 degree temperature uncertainty in the MRT maps.
