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Abstract #2518

Bz-SNR-Enhanced Echo-Shifted Incoherent Steady State Imaging for Electrical Conductivity Mapping

Hyunyeol Lee1, Woo Chul Jeong2, Hyung Joong Kim2, Eung Je Woo2, Jaeseok Park1

1Brain and Cognitive Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, Korea; 2Biomedical Engineering, Kyung Hee University, Yongin, Gyeonggi, Korea

Magnetic resonance electrical impedance tomography (MREIT) was recently introduced to achieve high spatial resolution, wherein the internal magnetic flux density (Bz) induced by current injection results from image phases and electrical conductivity is then calculated using the harmonic Bz algorithm. To achieve accurate conductivity distribution in tissues, a high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in Bz is critical, which is proportional to the product of current injection time (TC) and SNR in magnitude image. To effectively enhance the SNR of Bz in MREIT and speed up data acquisition, in this work we develop a Bz-SNR-optimized echo-shifted incoherent steady state imaging pulse sequence for accurate quantification of electrical conductivity, wherein free induction decay (FID) signals experience multiple current injections to form an echo without apparent loss of signals while retaining high imaging efficiency.
