Feliks Kogan1,
Randall B. Stafford2, Mohammad Haris1, Erin K. Englund2,
Anup Singh1, Kejia Cai1, Catherine DeBrosse1,
Ravi Prakash Reddy Nanga1, Hari Hariharan1, John A.
Detre3, Ravinder Reddy1
for Magnetic Resonance and Optical Imaging (CMROI), University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States; 2Department of
Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States; 3Center
for Functional Neuroimaging, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA,
United States
The objective of this work was to determine the contribution of perfused blood on the chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) from creatine. Perfusion changes were produced by a combination of cuff inflation and deflation. Reactive hyperemia resulted in substantial increases in perfusion as measured by arterial spin labeling (ASL) mean percent difference maps but negligible changes in CrCEST maps. This demonstrates that the CEST effect from perfused blood is negligible and does not confound CrCEST measurements.