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Abstract #3074

Determination of Local Tissue Enhancement from Radially Reconstructed Images

Jennifer Moroz1, Piotr Kozlowski2, 3, Stefan A. Reinsberg1

1Physics and Astronomy, UBC, Vancouver, BC, Canada; 2Radiology, UBC, Vancouver, BC, Canada; 3MRI Research Centre, UBC, Vancouver, BC, Canada

A high-temporal resolution arterial input function (AIF) is desired for pharamacokinetic modelling, which may be achieved with a projection-based approach. However, local tissue enhancement will affect the accuracy of the AIF. Tissue enhancement may be visualized from the projections used to estimate the AIF, if acquired radially. This work investigates three methods for radial reconstruction and evaluates their potential for measuring tissue enhancement. An error profile, a plot comparing the profile of the measured enhancement (radial image) with the expected result, was calculated to evaluate the techniques. The NFFT technique had the lowest errors, making it attractive for our application.
