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Abstract #3878

Reproducibility of whole body ADC in a non-optimized multi-centre trial: Effectiveness of normalisation method

Jagadish Kalasthry1, Stuart Taylor1, David Atkinson2, Alan Bainbridge3, Shonit Punwani1, Anna Barnes4, and On behalf of STREAMLINE investigators5

1Imaging, University College Hospital, London, United Kingdom, 2Centre for Medical Imaging, University College London, London, United Kingdom, 3Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, University College Hospital, London, United Kingdom, 4Clinical Physics, Institute of Nuclear Medicine, University College Hospital, London, United Kingdom, 5NIHR, National Institute for Health Research, London, United Kingdom

Diffusion-Weighted (DW) MRI can be used as a quantitative tool but there is limited data documenting accuracy and reproducibility on different MRI scanners with non-identical protocols. We investigated the variation in ADC measurements in normal tissue in datasets acquired as part of a pragmatic multicentre study of whole body MRI cancer and tested the impact of normalisation methods. We found large variations in ADC within both the same platform, and between different MRI platforms. Normalisation had limited benefit and only for one platform. Fat suppression seemed to be the predominant driver of variation particular in tissues outside the brain.

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