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Abstract #4520

Rapid High Resolution 3D Musculoskeletal Imaging at 7T:  Contrast Optimization and Comparison of DESS, Phase-Cycled bSSFP, and 3D SPACE

Meredith Taylor1, Haonan Wang1, Antony JR Palmer2, Andrew J Carr2, Sion Glyn-Jones2, Daniel Park2, and Neal K Bangerter1

1Electrical Engineering, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, United States, 2Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology, and Musculoskeletal Sciences, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom

In this study, we (1) implemented a two-acquisition 3D phase-cycled bSSFP protocol at 7 Tesla that achieves 0.31mm isotropic resolution in under 9 minutes of scan time, (2) implemented a 3D DESS protocol at 7 Tesla that achieves 0.36mm isotropic resolution in just under 7 minutes, (3) performed a contrast optimization to identify flip angles that maximize both cartilage/muscle and cartilage/synovial fluid contrast, and (3) compared to a 3D SPACE acquisition at 7T that achieves 0.55mm isotropic resolution in a scan time of 11:37.

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