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Abstract #0973

Using non-linear tissue biomechanics to infer static forces within tissue: towards quantifying IFP

Daniel Fovargue1, Jack Lee1, Adela Capilnasiu1, Marco Fiorito1, David Nordsletten1, and Ralph Sinkus1

1Division of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, King’s College London, London, United Kingdom

Quantifying static forces in the context of oncology, such as interstitial fluid pressure, would represent a valuable biomarker in therapy monitoring. Nonlinear tissue mechanics leads to distinct signatures of apparent anisotropic changes in mechanical shear properties in the vicinity of an object that exerts pressure onto its surroundings. Tissue nonlinearity can be modelled for instance via hyper elasticity. We show that the apparent modulation in tissue stiffness can be accounted for when incorporating the nonlinear anisotropic model into the estimation of the biomechanics via MR-Elastography. Knowledge of the deformation tensor enables direct quantification of underlying static forces, hence pressure.

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