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Abstract #1381

Integration of MR Elastography and Fat/Water Separation Imaging

Tomokazu Numano1,2, Daiki Ito1,2, Takaaki Onishi1, Kazuyuki Mizuhara3, Koichi Takamoto4, Hisao Nishijyo5, Masaki Misawa2, and Naotaka Nitta2

1Radiological Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan, 2National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba, Japan, 3Mechanical Engineering, TOKYO DENKI UNIVERSITY, Tokyo, Japan, 4Judo Neurophysiotherapy, University of Toyama, Toyama, Japan, 5System Emotional Science, University of Toyama, Toyama, Japan

In the present study, we developed a method to combine a simple MRE technique with a fat/water separation method (Dixon method) based on a conventional gradient-echo type multi-echo MR sequence (GRE-MultiEcho-MRE). Because the proposed method used the GRE-multiecho MRE, it is possible to select shortest in-/opposed-phase TE in the 1st TE. Thus, the proposed method allows to increase signal-to-noise ratio of fat/water images.

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