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Abstract #1746

Empirical reproducibility of clinically feasible ensemble average propagator imaging

Kurt Schilling1, Vishwesh Nath2, Justin Blaber2, Prasanna Parvathaneni2, Adam W Anderson1, and Bennett A Landman2

1Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Computer Science, Vanderbilt University

In this study, we measure the reproducibility of metrics derived from the ensemble averaged propagator (EAP) estimated using the 3D-SHORE technique using a clinically feasible high angular resolution diffusion dataset repeated 11 times on a single subject. We find very low reproducibility in measures of microstructural restriction (including the mean-squared displacement and return to origin probability) as well as measures of the orientation distribution function (including peaks of the ODF). This study highlights the limitations of using advanced models with empirical data, particularly in the low-SNR regime.

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