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Abstract #2588

Comparison of Temperature Mapping Methods Using Proton Resonance Frequency Shift and T1 in 3-T and 7-T MRI

Jong-Min Kim1,2, Chulhyun Lee3, Seong-Dae Hong1,2, Eun-Hyuk Choi1,2, You-Jin Jeong1,2, Jeong-Hee Kim4, and Chang-Hyun Oh1,2,4

1Department of Electronics and Information Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 2ICT convergence technology for Health & Safety, Korea University, Sejong, Korea, Republic of, 3Bioimaging Research Team, Korea Basic Science Institute, 4Research Institute for Advanced Industrial Technology, Korea University, Sejong, Korea, Republic of

Although temperature imaging in 7.0 T MRI has the advantage of increased SNR compared to lower field, it is more sensitive to susceptibility causing more artifacts. Since the 7.0 T MRI is also affected more by the electrical conductivity, temperature-dependency of the electrical conductivity is also affecting the resultant images. This work compares the temperature mapping methods for RF hyperthermia in 7.0 T and 3.0 T MRI and proposes the new temperature mapping method appropriate to 7.0 T MRI under the environment of changing conductivity.

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