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Abstract #3299

Kidney tumor characterization with diffusion-MRI: diffusion-tensor and tri-exponential modeling

Sophie van Baalen1, Marino Asselman2, Caroline Klazen3, Martijn Froeling4, Frank F.J. Simonis1, Bart Vroling1, and Bennie ten Haken1

1Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands, 2Urology, Medisch Spectrum Twente, Enschede, Netherlands, 3Radiology, Medisch Spectrum Twente, Enschede, Netherlands, 4Radiology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands

We present preliminary results of our study into the characterization of kidney tumors using diffusion derived parameters. We have acquired DTI and IVIM sequences and fitted the diffusion tensor and tri-exponential model to obtain parameters FA, MD, ffast, fintermediate and D. Among the first four patients planned for nephrectomy for suspected kidney tumor we found three RCCs, one cyst and one hemangioma. ffast, the fraction of the diffusion signal that reflects fast fluid motion, is lower in non-malignant lesions, whereas D is lower in the two cc-RCCs. The differences in parameter values between lesion types are reflected in parameter maps.

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