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Abstract #4042

Fast, Robust and SimulTaneous (FRoST) relaxometry at polarizing field

Rashmi Rao1, Shreyas Indurkar1, Girish Koulagi1, Nithin V Vajuvalli1, Arush Honnedevasthana Arun1, Sneha Potdar1, and Sairam Geethanath1

1Medical Imaging Research Centre, Dayananda Sagar Institutions, Bangalore, India

T1 and T2 measurements in polarizing field systems have long acquisition times due to the inclusion of a polarizer pulse. Current work demonstrates Fast, RObust and SimulTaneous relaxometry (‘FRoST’) measurements at Earth’s field on water and CuSO4 phantoms. FRoST creates a variation of the net magnetization through a series of CPMG acquisitions by varying the polarizing pulse (τp) to obtain simultaneous T1 and T2 weighting. T1 and T2 values obtained are similar to standard sequences and the acquisition time is reduced by 55%-84%.

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