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Abstract #5502

Local metabolites of healthy human brain measured with whole brain spectroscopic imaging and with single voxel spectroscopy - a study to compare different 1H-MRS data acquisitions and data analyses

Birte Schmitz1, Andrew A Maudsley2, Sulaimann Sheriff2, Heinrich Lanfermann1, and Xiao-Qi Ding1

1Institute of Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany, 2Department of Radiology, University of Miami School of Medicine, FL, United States

Local metabolite concentrations in 60 healthy volunteers were estimated from EPSI data that were analyzed from individual voxel measurements and using spectral integration over a ROI and compared to results from single-voxel acquisitions. Linear regression analysis was used to estimate age-dependence of metabolite concentrations obtained with each of the three different methods. The results were compared with each other for quantitative evaluation of EPSI acquisition at short TE for detection of brain metabolites.

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