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Abstract #3051

A Carbon-Fibre Sheet Resistor for MR, CT, SPECT and PET-compatible Temperature Maintenance in Small Animals

Veerle Kersemans1, Stuart Gilchrist1, Philip Danny Allen1, Paul Kinchesh1, and Sean Smart1

1University of Oxford, CRUK/MRC Oxford Institute for Radiation Oncology, Oxford, United Kingdom

A resistive heater that is compatible with MR, CT, SPECT and PET imaging has been produced from a commercially available carbon-fibre sheet. Adequacy of temperature maintenance and insensitivity of MR and CT imaging to the presence and use of the heater is shown. Multimodal MR-CT-PET-SPECT imaging of the lower abdomen is demonstrated in vivo in the physiologically maintained and viable anaesthetised mouse.

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