Cerebral vasomotion is frequently observed phenomenon that accompanies hypotension (mean arterial blood pressure (MABP) 45-65mmHg) in anesthetised rat models(1,2). Although unclear, this mechanism appears to play, in part, a compensatory role in replenishing oxygen reserves in the anaerobic/hypoxic brain. Although the relationship between temperature and metabolism is always interactive. Brain cell metabolism is a major determinant of brain temperature, minor changes in brain temperature can result in significant changes in neural cell metabolism and therefore in brain function. During hypotension (MABP 45-65mmHg) analysis of acquired 1H-spectra revealed thalamic temperature to be ~1.5-2 °C colder than that of the core body temperature (37±0.5)°C. Further analysis of the 1H-spectra revealed dynamic pool of the lactate in the thalamus during hypotension (MABP 45-65mmHg).
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