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Abstract #0800

Localization of GPi for MRgFUS pallidotomy: a comparison between high-resolution FGATIR, R2* and QSM at 3 T

Hongfu Sun1, M. Ethan MacDonald1, Erin L. Mazerolle1, Kristin Sabourin1, and G. Bruce Pike1

1Radiology, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada

Precise localization of the internal globus pallidus (GPi) is critical for MRgFUS pallidotomy for movement disorders such as Parkinson’s disease. In this study, high-resolution FGATIR, R2* and QSM are compared for localizing GPi in six healthy subjects (age from 21 to 41). All three methods displayed some image contrasts in the GP area. QSM demonstrated the best delineation of GPi from the internal capsule, which is generally considered a risk zone for pallidotomy. GPi also appeared smaller in FGATIR, where GPi was hypointense, than in QSM, where GPi was hyperintense.

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