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Abstract #2212

Retrospective analysis of pulmonary transit time in different patient samples and recording conditions.

RAYMOND GILLES1, Marie-Anne Labaisse2, Bernard Pilet2, Karim Wahbi3, Benjamin Marty4, and Pierre Carlier4

1Cardiology, CHWAPI, Tournai, Belgium, 2Radiology, CHWAPI, Tournai, Belgium, 3Institut de Myologie, Hôpital Pitié-Salpétrière, aphp, Paris, France, Metropolitan, 4Institut de Myologie, CEA, DRF, IBFJ, MIRCen, NMR Laboratory, Paris, France, Metropolitan

A retrospective analysis of pulmonary transit time and intra-pulmonary blood volume in Becker dystrophic myopaths at 3T and unselected patients / cardiopaths and normals at 1,5 T.

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