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Abstract #3690

Awake Macaque MRI Setup on 7T Human Scanner Platform for High-Resolution Anatomical and Functional Imaging

Yang Gao1, Meizhen Qian1,2, Pinyi Wang1, Yi Sun3, Anna Wang Roe1,2, and Xiaotong Zhang1

1Interdisciplinary Institute of Neuroscience and Technology, Qiushi Academy for Advanced Studies, College of Biomedical Engineering & Instrument Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 2School of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 3MR Collaboration Northeast Asia, Siemens Healthcare, Hangzhou, China

We introduced a customized setup for awake sitting macaque MRI in a 7T horizontal-bore human scanner. Considerations in the specialized design of monkey cage and head fixation device consisting of 1) monkey comfort in a Sphinx position, 2) stable head fixation, 3) easy mounting of the surface array for cortex imaging, and 4) easy presentation of visual stimuli. Our findings demonstrate that, in a well-trained awake monkey, with the increased contrast sensitivity and substantial gains in spatial resolution offered by ultra-high field MRI and a custom-made dense RF array, our setup is capable of achieving improved SNR and high time efficiency.

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