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Abstract #0055

Importance of the lactate shuttle between astrocytes and neurons for brain activation

Hélène Roumes1, Charlotte Jollé2, Jordy Blanc1, Imad Benkhaled1,3, Philippe Massot1, Marc Biran1, Carolina Piletti Chatain4, Gérard Raffard1, Véronique Bouchaud1, Nicole Deglon5, Eduardo R Zimmer6, Luc Pellerin7, and Anne-Karine Bouzier-Sore1
1CRMSB, Bordeaux, France, 2Department of Physiology, Lausanne, Switzerland, 3I3M, Poitiers, France, 4Department of Biochemistry, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 5Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Neurotherapies, Lausanne, Switzerland, 6Department of Pharmacology,, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 7IRTOMIT, Poitiers, France


For decades, it was claimed that glucose was the sole and sufficient energy substrate to sustain neuronal activity and brain function. Our results challenge this view by demonstrating that despite glucose availability, lactate shuttling from astrocytes to neurons via monocarboxylate transporters is necessary to give rise to the BOLD signal in the rat cerebral cortex following whisker stimulation. Moreover, lactate shuttling turned out to be also essential for sustaining behavioral performance associated with activation of the rat barrel cortex. These findings call for a reappraisal of neuroenergetics and the role of astrocytes in determining brain activation and function.

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