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Abstract #3440

Integrating a Unilateral MRI Scanner with a Small Animal Irradiator for Preclinical MR-Guided Radiation Experiments

Jace Grandinetti1, Yuncheng Zhong1, Yuting Peng1, Chenyang Shen1, Shu Zhang1, and Xun Jia1
1Radiation Oncology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, United States


Magnetic Resonance-guided Radiation Therapy (MRgRT) has recently become available in human RT, however, this technology does not currently exist for preclinical systems. We propose a novel approach to develop and integrate an MR system with an existing small animal irradiator and report our ongoing progress constructing such a system. The MR system is comprised of a unilateral Halbach cylinder with permanent magnets and split gradient coils to prevent obstruction of the radiation beam while targeting a 4cm region of interest. Further development is ongoing for a split broadband RF coil and custom pulse sequences to maximize signal-to-noise.

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